Using Numbers to Tell Stories and Safeguard Value

Our clients choose us because of our expertise and professionalism, and stay with us because we help them sleep at night.

What We Do

A Forensic Approach Uniquely Designed Just for You

Each situation is unique; there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to financial investigations and security. We invest in our relationship with you, so we are best suited to diagnose and remediate your financial concerns.

Who We Serve



Preemptive financial controls are designed to protect the organization’s value while reactive investigations provide insight about the financial history



We help lawyers uncover and tell the financial story to support their case through efficient and clear communications and expert testimony



Forensic analytical procedures can help company stakeholders and investors ensure they are asking the right questions of their current and prospective investments

Business can be complicated

Sometimes problems require the outside perspective and expertise of experienced accountants to diagnose and remediate them quickly and affordably. These times may bring uncertainty, stress, and anxiety that distract you from focusing on your business and doing what you do best. MD Advisory Services “MDAS” is the solution for your independent financial, forensic, and risk advisory needs. Headquartered in the New York / New Jersey area, our team provides robust investigative and trusted advisory services for business leaders and stakeholders all over the U.S.


Our firm focuses only on the prevention, detection, and deterrence of fraud. This specialization differentiates us from the small- to mid-size CPA firm who may handle your business’ accounting, tax, and audit needs. Throughout our process, we work with our client’s existing CPA firm to facilitate efficient exchange of financial information. If our client is seeking a new CPA firm, we have an extensive network of industry contacts to suite the unique needs of your business. Clients whose existing CPA firm is “full service”, meaning they offer forensic advisory services, often look to us as a budget-friendly alternative to their current service provider.


With MDAS, you will not be lost in the ranks of a large, decentralized service provider. Your business will receive the time and attention it needs to address the challenges at hand.


Communication is key with us. During our time working for you, we ensure the work product we deliver matches or exceeds your expectations.


Our procedures and methodology are grounded in the leading accounting and investigative techniques relied upon by the industry. We invest heavily in continuing education to ensure we deliver the best work product possible.

Above all else, we invest heavily in the relationships we have with our clients. We provide the answers you need in a way you and your stakeholders will understand, while alleviating the anticipation and uncertainty in your business environment.

MDAS is a proud member of

Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
New Jersey Society of CPAs

Interested in speaking to an expert?

MD Consulting and Advisory Services

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